Who We Are

There are no better words to live by than the words of Jesus himself, “Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Here at theBLEND we take those words seriously and emphasize that we see our neighbors as everyone.

We are a church family with an urgent desire to continually press on using love and compassion as the fuel to grow and stretch beyond our walls and property lines.

theBLEND demonstrates loving your neighbor through radical hospitality and absolute inclusiveness, with an utmost concern for social justice and diversity.

We can grow beautifully togther in fellowship while we stay grounded in our “follow-ship” with the One who created us and always sees the best of us.

We at theBLEND have set our hearts on building a vibrant caring community with resources which enable us to recognize the needs of our neighbors and allow us to spring into action to serve, share, love and heal.

Where ever you are on your faith journey, YOU are welcome here!

-theBLEND Church Family

  • OUR MISSION~There are no better words to live by than the words of Jesus himself, “Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” Here at theBLEND we take those words seriously and emphasize that we see our neighbors as everyone. We are a church family with an urgent desire to continually press on using love and compassion as the fuel to grow and stretch beyond our walls and property lines. theBLEND demonstrates loving your neighbor through radical hospitality and absolute inclusiveness, with an utmost concern for social justice and diversity. We can grow beautifully together in fellowship while we stay grounded in our “follow-ship” with the One who created us and always sees the best of us.

  • OUR VISION We at theBLEND have set our hearts on building a vibrant caring community with resources which enable us to recognize the needs of our neighbors and allow us to spring into action to serve, share, love, and heal.

  • What is Open and Affirming? We are a church that welcomes persons of all gender expressions and sexual orientations to the table of Christ’s communion and to the full life and leadership of the Christian Church. If you are wondering about a biblical conflict with inclusion and welcome of lgbtq+ people Come visit for clarity on the meaning of the text in reference to the harmful interpretations we have heard all of our lives that exclude and harm.

  • ALL MEANS ALL What does 'love your neighbor as yourself' mean if it doesn't apply to everyone? Here at theBLEND we offer an invitation and a heartfelt welcome to all. We are an open and affirming church family and if you identify with the LGBTQIA+ community you are as important and recognized to us as you are to God. Our welcome reaches out to all races, ethnicities, genders, gender identities/ expressions, non-binary folks, sexual orientations, socio-economic status, martial status, physical or mental ability, or any other designation. Come and freely worship and hopefully fall in love with our church family. We are theBLEND!


Rev Courtney Armento

Lisa ~ Childcare

Meet Our Family

Hannah~ Deacon

Mayra ~ Childcare

Nancy ~ Treasurer

Dan ~ Endowment Trustee

Arno (Sonny) ~ Secretary & Admin

Kailyn ~ Tech Coordinator

Sandy ~ Deacon

Ronda ~ Elder

Rev Amber ~ Pastor of Operations

Andrew ~ Moderator & Property Chair