What shelters can offer:

*In addition to the information below, you do not have to be a resident of a shelter to receive the services they offer.*

-Emergency shelter, transitional shelter, Individual Counseling, Legal Assistance, Medical Assistance, Clothes, Transportation Assistance, Resume Help, Art Therapy and more

-Children’s counseling/services

-Victims Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) to protect your job and protect you in the workplace

-Information about the Safe Homes Act that allows renters who are victims to terminate their lease early or get their locks changed

-Information about adding protections for family pets to an Order of Protection

-Information about safety planning and strategies to increase safety such as providing a copy of an Order of Protection to an employer or to a child’s school; or varying routines including the time victims leave for work or the routes traveled

-Relocation support Prescriptions and medical services